Blindness Support Services Inc.

En Español

blindness support services logo anamation of sun rising into the words blindness support.

3696 Beatty Drive

Riverside, CA 92506

Phone: (951) 341-9244

Fax:(951) 341-6335

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Breakfast in the Dark 2019

Our make-it-take-it events consist of creating something and taking it home. This specific event consisted of having an appreciation day for our kiddos caregivers and thanking them for all they do. During the event they were given the opportunity to decorate mugs with paint. Some used their hands/ feet/ and paint brushes. They individually made their mug their own creation. Once they were done painting they were put outside on a table to dry. Once they were dried, Mod posh was lightly applied to seal off their art.

We had a total of 31 kiddos and 24 adults come!

During our event we even had a new family that just found us on the internet come in and learn so much for their 5 month old child that is visually impaired. They expressed they are first time parent and have no information or knowledge on how to go about raising their child with a visual impairment. They were happy to have found us and are eager to start services.

We as the Children’s Department at Blindness Support Services are so glad to be given the opportunity to host events such as this one. We were able to get families together by providing parent resilience and creating social connections that lead into concrete support in their times of need.

You too could help these visually impaired children grow and improve by donating to boost the funds of the Children's department.